What Occupations are There in Greyhound Racing?

Greyhound racing, a popular sport in many parts of the world, offers a variety of occupational opportunities for those passionate about the greyhound breed and the thrill of the race. From trainers and breeders to veterinarians and race officials, this industry accommodates a broad spectrum of professions, each crucial to the success and integrity of the sport.


Greyhound breeders play a pivotal role in greyhound racing. The occupation requires deep understanding of genetics, as well as the physical and personality traits desirable in a racing dog. Greyhound breeders are responsible for selecting sires and dams with strong racing pedigrees to produce offspring potentially gifted in speed and agility.

Breeders also oversee the early development of puppies and provide them with their initial exposure to socialization and training, thus laying the foundations for future racing dogs.


Once greyhounds reach an appropriate age, usually around a year old, they are handed over to trainers whose job it is to prepare the dogs for their racing career. Greyhound trainers ensure dogs are in peak physical condition and teach them the skills needed on the track.

Training greyhounds involves teaching them to chase, typical of their predator instincts, rewarding them for successful chases, and maintaining an ideal weight and fitness level. Trainers work closely with the dogs, often developing strong bonds with them, thus fostering their well-being which is central to the success in greyhound racing.

Handlers and Kennel Staff

Others involved in the care of racing greyhounds include handlers and kennel staff, who play an essential part in the dog’s daily routine. Handlers ensure that the greyhounds are properly taken care of on race days, including transporting them safely to race tracks, warming them up before a race, and ensuring they are well-rested and properly cooled down afterward.

Kennel staff play a significant part in providing daily care to the greyhounds. Their duties include feeding, grooming, exercising the greyhounds, and maintaining clean and comfortable kennels.

Veterinarians and Veterinary Nurses

Like any sport involving animals, greyhound racing relies heavily on veterinary professionals to ensure the health and welfare of the dogs. Vets are responsible for routine check-ups, injury diagnosis and treatment, and maintaining the overall well-being of the greyhounds. That includes advising on diet, exercise, rehabilitation and recovery from injuries.

Veterinary nurses support the vets in their daily tasks, such as conducting health checks, providing post-operative care, taking X-rays and administering medication. They play an instrumental role in the speedy recovery of injured greyhounds and their return to the racing track.

Race Officials

Race officials are another essential component of professional greyhound racing. They oversee the conduct of the races and ensure all rules and regulations are adhered to. Key roles include:

  1. Judge: To determine the final positions of the greyhounds in the race.
  2. Steward: To enforce the regulations and handle disciplinary matters.
  3. Lure Operator: To operate the mechanical lure that the greyhounds chase.

This brief overview illustrates the variety of professions available in the field of greyhound racing, each unique but contributing significant value to the sport. This industry indeed offers many avenues for people with varying interests and skills, who all share a common passion-for the majestic and swift racing greyhounds.

Race Track Roles

Apart from the conspicuous roles, there are also several occupational roles tied to the infrastructure of greyhound racing:

  1. Track Maintainers: These key personnel are responsible for ensuring optimal track conditions for both the safety of the greyhounds and to guarantee fair and exciting racing.
  2. Racecourse Managers: Responsible for the overall execution of race events, from coordinating with various departments- racing teams, stewards, maintenance, concessions – to ensuring excellent visitor experience.
  3. Marketing and Event Management Team: They work on the promotion of races, sponsorship acquisition, public relations, and event organization.
  4. Concessions Operators: These staff serve food and beverages, sell race merchandise, and often operate betting windows or kiosks.

Greyhound Racing Media

The media also plays a crucial role in greyhound racing, creating ample job opportunities:

  1. Journalists: These professionals cover the races, interviewing key figures in the industry, and writing articles or reports for various media outlets.
  2. Broadcasters: They provide race commentary for attendees and those watching from home. In many tracks, races are also broadcast on television or streamed online.
  3. Photographers and Videographers: They capture live action photos and videos of races, which are used in promotional materials or sold to fans and teams.

Betting Related Roles

Betting on races forms a crucial component of greyhound racing. This area too creates many job positions:

  1. Bookmakers: These professionals calculate odds for individual races and manage the bets placed by spectators.
  2. Tote Operators: They operate the totalisator (tote) betting system at the race track, accepting bets from spectators and issuing betting slips.
  3. Betting Shop Staff: These individuals manage the betting process at off-track betting locations.

Here is a summary of the occupations involved in greyhound racing:

Occupation Role
Breeder Breed and provide initial training
Trainer Train the greyhounds for racing
Handler/Kennel Staff Care for and manages dogs
Veterinarians/Veterinary Nurses Provide healthcare
Race Officials Ensure regulation of races
Track Maintainers Manage track conditions
Racecourse Managers Organize and manage race events
Marketing & Event Management Team Promote races and manage public relations
Concessions Operators Operate food stands and betting kiosks
Journalists Cover the races
Broadcasters Provide commentary
Photographers/Videographers Document the races
Bookmakers/Tote Operators Handle betting
Betting Shop Staff Manage off-track betting locations

Each of these professions is critical to the function and popularity of the greyhound racing industry, and they work together to make each race a thrilling spectacle.

The Impact of Greyhound Racing on Hospitality and Related Industries

Hospitality is an integral part of the greyhound racing industry. From popular greyhound stadiums to the local pubs and restaurants, a number of roles within the hospitality sector exist to cater to the needs of spectators and those associated with the sport.

Hospitality Staff at Greyhound Stadiums

Greyhound stadiums across the UK, Ireland, and Australia employ a significant number of hospitality staff in various roles:

  1. Concessions Staff: These employees work at the food and beverage kiosks within the stadium, serving refreshments to the spectators during the races.
  2. Restaurant Staff: Many greyhound stadiums house restaurants offering a more formal dining experience. Chefs, waitstaff, bartenders, and kitchen staff are key elements of these operations.
  3. Event Staff: For larger events or VIP experiences, event managers, hosts/hostesses, and servers may be utilized to create a more personalized, luxurious atmosphere.
  4. Cleaners and Maintenance Staff: Ensuring the stadium remains clean and well-maintained is crucial, utilizing another sector of hospitality staff.

These jobs not only contribute meaningfully to the economy, but also offer many entry-level positions and opportunities for skill development in the hospitality field.

Related Supplier Industries

Greyhound stadiums rely heavily on a vast network of supplier industries that supply food, drink, and other necessities for the hospitality services. These include:

  1. Food and Beverage Supply: Local food and drink producers frequently supply products for stadium concessions and restaurants. This includes everything from simple snacks to gourmet ingredients for more upscale dining establishments at the stadium.
  2. Equipment Suppliers: Companies supplying kitchen and restaurant equipment will often play a role, providing everything from ovens and refrigerators, to plates and serving utensils.
  3. Amenities Suppliers: Providers of other amenities like cleaning supplies, décor items, uniforms for staff, and toilet essentials also contribute to the running of hospitality services in the stadiums.
  4. Waste Management Services: Necessary for any large operation, companies supplying waste collection and recycling services are also indirectly supported by the industry.

Overall, the links between greyhound racing, hospitality, and these related industries create a widespread economic network, generating income and employment opportunities across a variety of sectors.

Here’s a summary of roles and industries supported by hospitality at greyhound stadiums:

Roles/Jobs at Stadiums Related Supplier Industries
Concessions Staff Food and Beverage Supply
Restaurant Staff Equipment Suppliers
Event Staff Amenities Suppliers
Cleaners and Maintenance Staff Waste Management Services

Thus, it’s safe to conclude that the hospitality operations linked with greyhound racing provide a broad-based positive impact on the local economies.

Entrepreneurs Investing in Greyhound Racing Venues

While greyhound racing has a rich history dating back to the early 20th century, it’s now being viewed from a fresh perspective as a profitable avenue for investment.

Scope for Investment

Among various entrepreneurial pursuits, investing in greyhound racing venues has emerged as a noteworthy trend, attracting the attention of numerous businesspersons. Such entities see potential in this sector due to its vibrant entertainment value and the relatively untapped market. By purchasing and upgrading greyhound race tracks, these entrepreneurs secure their financial interests while simultaneously breathing new life into a long-standing pastime.

Economic Boost

These investors greatly enhance the prospects of the greyhound racing industry. Their investments not only lead to the renovation and modernization of these venues, but also draw more spectators and make the sport more appealing, thus driving up ticket sales and associated revenues.

These entrepreneurs are indirectly contributing to the local economies as well. With the revitalized interest in the sport, there is an increased need for job roles such as maintainers, caretakers, vets, food and beverage service, marketing and promotions staff, etc. This job creation is a key factor in supporting the local job market and boosting the economy.

Driving Consumer Spending

Additionally, the influx of spectators to the renovated race tracks triggers a domino effect on local businesses such as hotels, restaurants, and retail shops. Visitors typically tend to utilize local businesses for their needs, driving up consumer spending in the local economy.

Although greyhound racing faced increasing scrutiny for animal rights concerns in some countries and regions, its revival with more protective measures for the racing dogs could usher in a new era for this sport. The involvement of entrepreneurs investing in race venues signifies a potential economic uplift, and, if managed responsibly and ethically, might herald a sustainable shift for the better within the industry.

The Economic Impact of Greyhound Racing in the UK, Ireland, and Australia

Greyhound racing makes a significant contribution to the economies of the UK, Ireland, and Australia. With vibrant racing cultures, these countries host numerous greyhound racing events drawing large crowds, thus positively affecting local businesses and creating a considerable number of jobs.

Job Creation

Economic strength can often be directly linked with job creation, and greyhound racing is an industry that supports numerous occupations. As highlighted in the previous section, a multitude of professions ranging from breeders, trainers, and vets, to race officials, marketing staff, and media professionals are integral parts of this industry. The jobs generated in this sector contribute significantly to the local economies.

In addition, the indirect employment created through this industry is substantial, with jobs in hospitality, catering, security, and maintenance sectors tied to greyhound racing venues. The industry’s demand for pet supplies, veterinary services, and specialised equipment fuels businesses in those sectors, creating a wide-ranging impact.

Tax Revenue

Another aspect where greyhound racing impacts these economies is through the tax revenues generated by betting activities. In the UK, Ireland, and Australia, betting on greyhound races is legal and regulated. Profits from these betting activities are taxed, providing the government with significant revenues.

Severeal studies have shown that greyhound racing generates millions in tax revenues annually, which then contribute to public services and projects.

Tourism and Event Revenue

Greyhound racing is a popular spectator sport that draws fans from near and far. These racing events boost tourism, especially in regions known for prominent greyhound tracks. The influx of tourists fuels local economies through increased spending on accommodations, dining, and other recreational activities.

Moreover, ticket sales, food and drink concessions, race event sponsorships, and media rights sales contribute significantly to the economic value generated by this sport.

Breeders and Sale of Greyhounds

The sale of greyhounds to trainers and racing enthusiasts brings in substantial revenue for breeders. High-quality greyhounds with strong racing pedigrees can fetch impressive prices, and this market plays an important role in the económies of these countries, particularly in rural areas where many breeding facilities are located.

Here’s a summary of how greyhound racing positively impacts the economies:

Economic Impact Description
Job Creation Creates numerous direct and indirect jobs.
Tax Revenue Generates substantial tax revenue from betting activities.
Tourism and Event Revenue Boosts local tourism and generates income from event-related sales.
Breeders and Sale of Greyhounds Brings income to breeders and contributes to local economies, especially in rural regions.

There can be no doubt that the economic benefits related to greyhound racing are significant, reaching far beyond the immediate sector and providing a boost to the wider economies of the UK, Ireland, and Australia.

Frequently Asked Questions About Working in Greyhound Racing

How do I become a greyhound trainer?

To become a greyhound trainer, you usually need to start by gaining experience working in a kennel or with a current trainer as an assistant. This gives you practical, hands-on experience with the animals and builds your knowledge about the industry. Once you feel comfortable, you can then apply for a trainer’s license from the regulating body in your region, such as the Greyhound Board of Great Britain in the UK.

The licensing process may involve passing an examination and meeting certain requirements such as showing proof of adequate facilities to house and train the dogs. Some regions may also require trainers to complete a formal training course. Remember, training greyhounds requires both a love of animals and an understanding of their physical and behavioral characteristics.

What qualifications do I need to work as a vet in greyhound racing?

To work as a vet in greyhound racing, you’ll need a degree in Veterinary Medicine from a recognized university. This usually takes five years to complete. After graduation, you’ll need to be registered with the veterinary regulating body in your region (such as the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in the UK, the Veterinary Council of Ireland, or the Veterinary Surgeons’ Board in Australia).

Experience or additional qualifications specializing in greyhounds or racing breeds can be beneficial. This could involve working under a specialized race animal vet or completing further courses specializing in racing or sports animals.

Can I become a greyhound breeder?

Yes, you can become a greyhound breeder. However, it’s important to note that it involves large initial investments, as you would need to provide suitable housing and care for the dogs. Successful greyhound racing breeders have an excellent knowledge of the breed, including the lines which produce the best racing dogs and the best practices for care and upbringing.

You’ll also need to comply with any relevant legislation and obtain licenses if required. Keep in mind that ethical breeding practices are crucial in this profession—factors such as the well-being, health, and temperament of the dogs should always be prioritized.

What is the role of a greyhound handler?

A greyhound handler, or kennel staff, is responsible for the day-to-day care of the dogs. This can include feeding, grooming, cleaning the kennels, and assisting with exercise and training sessions.

Handlers often form strong bonds with the greyhounds and become essential in preparing the dogs for races. It’s a role that demands physical strength, patience, and a genuine love for animals. Experience working with dogs, especially large breeds or greyhounds, can be advantageous.

How do I become a race official?

Race officials, also known as stewards, are responsible for ensuring that the races are run fairly and according to regulations. They may inspect dogs and equipment, monitor races for any rule violations, and handle any disputes that may arise.

Becoming a race official requires a thorough understanding of the sport’s rules and regulations. This understanding can be gained from experience in different roles within the industry or by formal training provided by the racing governing body. Some regions may also require race officials to obtain certification or a license.

What is the role of a bookmaker in greyhound racing?

A bookmaker, or “bookie,” is a person who accepts and pays off bets on the outcome of greyhound races. They set the odds for each race based on various factors such as the dog’s past performance, trainer reputation, or track conditions.

Bookmakers are skilled in calculating probabilities and managing risk, and often have a deep understanding of the sport. Breaking into this role can be achieved by gaining experience in the industry, such as working in betting shops or for established bookmakers, or through studying business, finance, or mathematics.

How can I become a journalist or broadcaster in greyhound racing?

To become a journalist or broadcaster, you’ll need good communication skills, a keen interest in greyhound racing, and relevant qualifications in journalism or media studies. Your work will involve reporting on races, interviewing key figures, and providing commentary for broadcasts.

Gaining practical experience through internships or volunteer roles at local newspapers, radio stations, or TV networks can be valuable. Specialist knowledge of the greyhound racing industry can make you stand out, so spending time at race tracks, understanding the sport, and building a network of contacts can be beneficial.

What qualifications do I need to work in the marketing team for a greyhound racecourse?

A degree or qualifications in marketing, business, or a related field would be advantageous for a role in the marketing team of a racecourse. These roles often require skills in areas such as social media marketing, event planning, public relations, or advertising.

You’ll need a good understanding of the sport, its audience, and what attracts spectators to events. Practical experience, such as internships or placements in marketing roles, particularly within the sports or entertainment industries, is highly beneficial.

Are there part-time or seasonal roles available in greyhound racing?

Yes, many roles in greyhound racing, particularly in the hospitality and event sectors, can be seasonal or part-time. This includes roles like concessions staff, events personnel, or cleaning and maintenance staff. These jobs can provide a foot in the door for people seeking a career in the industry, or a flexible work option for individuals studying or working in other occupations.

Can I have a career in greyhound racing without directly working with the dogs?

Definitely! While roles like trainers, handlers, and veterinarians work directly with the dogs, there are many roles in the industry that don’t involve hands-on work with the animals. Positions in race management, marketing, media, hospitality, and betting are just a few examples. All these roles are critical to the operation of the industry and can offer rewarding careers for the right person.